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Chủ đề 1: Every day activities 1

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Từ vựng Loại từ Pronunciation Ví dụ Hình ảnh Phát âm
brush one’s teeth
đánh răng
verb /brʌʃ wʌnz tiːθ/ What is the best time to brush your teeth?
clean the house
lau nhà
verb /kliːn ðə haʊs/ How do I clean my house in one day?
comb one’s hair
chải tóc
verb /kəʊm wʌnz heə/ I've got to go comb my hair.
do the laundry
giặt là
verb /duː ðə ˈlɔːndrɪ/ What are the steps to doing laundry?
noun /dʌst/ What percentage of dust is human skin?
floss one's teeth
xỉa răng
verb /flɒs wʌnz tiːθ/ Have you heard that you don't need to floss your teeth?
get dressed
mặc quần áo
verb /get drest/ I'll go and get dressed
get up
dậy, ngủ dậy
verb /get ʌp/ When you get up, you get out of bed.
listen to the music
nghe nhạc
verb /ˈlɪsn tə ðə ˈmjuːzɪk/ Have you listen to music of I.O.I?
cook/make dinner
nấu ăn tối
verb /kʊk/meɪk ˈdɪnə / shall I cook dinner tonight?
eat/have dinner
ăn tối
verb /iːt/hæv ˈdɪnə / Claire manages to stand her ground with Hersh but he'd have had me for breakfast.
eat/have lunch
ăn trưa
verb /iːt/hæv lʌnʧ / Claire manages to stand her ground with Hersh but he'd have had me for breakfast.
luyện tập, bài tập
noun /ˈɛksəsaɪz / exercise improves your heart and lung power
feed the baby
cho bé ăn
verb /fiːd ðə ˈbeɪbi / did you remember to feed the cat?
feed the cat
cho mèo ăn
verb /fiːd ðə kæt / did you remember to feed the cat?
get undressed
cởi quần áo
verb /gɛt ʌnˈdrɛst / he was undressed and ready for bed
bàn là
noun /ˈaɪən / Working section by section, smooth hair with a flat iron.
listen to the radio
nghe radio
verb /ˈlɪsn tuː ðə ˈreɪdɪəʊ / she wants to listen to the radio

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