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Bài 46: Doctor's Office

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Từ vựng Loại từ Pronunciation Ví dụ Hình ảnh Phát âm
hàng năm, từng nằm, thường niên (yearly)
Adverb /'ænjuəli/ Everyone should get a physical exam annually
cuộc hẹn, sự hẹn gặp, giấy mời; chức vụ được bổ nhiệm, sắc lệnh
Noun /ə'pɔintmənt/ I've got a dentist appointment at 3 o'clock.
định giá, đánh giá; ước lượng, định lượng
verb /ə'ses/ The insurance rate Mr. Victor was assessed went up this year after he admitted that he had started smoking again
chẩn đoán
verb /'daiəgnouz/ After considering the patient's symptoms and looking at his test results, the doctor diagnosed the lump as benign
‹có› kết quả, tác dụng; ‹có› hiệu quả, hiệu lực; ảnh hưởng
Adjective /ɪˈfektɪv/ Howard was pleased to find that the diet recommended by his doctor was quite effective
dụng cụ, công cụ, thiết bị đo đạc; văn kiện, nhạc cụ
Noun /'instrumənt/ The senior physician carried his instruments in a black leather bag
quản lý, trông nom, điều khiển, sai khiến
verb /'mænidʤ/ The head nurse's ability to manage her staff through a difficult time caught the hospital administrator's attention
ngăn ngừa, ngăn chặn; phòng ngừa, phòng tránh
verb /pri'vent/ By encouraging teenagers not to smoke, doctors are hoping to prevent many cases of cancer
sự› giới thiệu, tiến cử; ‹sự› gửi gắm, phó thác, dặn dò
Noun /,rekəmen'deiʃn/ It is important to follow the doctor's recommendations if you want to improve your health
hồ sơ, sổ sách, biên bản, văn thư; kỷ lục; đĩa hát;
Noun /'rekɔ:d/ You should keep a record of your expenses
quy vào, quy cho, viện vào, ám chỉ, nói đến; tham khảo, hỏi ý kiến
verb /ri'fə:/ As soon as Agnes referred to the failed treatment, everyone's mood soured
nghiêm trọng, trầm trọng; nghiêm trang, đứng đắn, nghiêm túc
Adjective /'siəriəs/ For her dissertation, she made a serious study of women's health care needs in developing nations

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