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VOCA 151-160

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Từ vựng Loại từ Pronunciation Ví dụ Hình ảnh Phát âm
hờ hững, dửng dưng
adjective /ɪnˈdɪfərənt/ The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion.
bản địa, vốn thuộc về một nơi nào đó
adjective /ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs/ the indigenous peoples/languages of the area
căm phẫn, phẫn nộ
adjective /ɪnˈdɪɡnənt/ She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.
adjective /ɪˈnɜːt/ He lay inert with half-closed eyes.
khét tiếng
adjective /ˈɪnfəməs/ a general who was infamous for his brutality
suy ra, kết luận
verb /ɪnˈfɜːr/ Readers are left to infer the killer’s motives.
phù hợp mục đích cụ thể và bắt nguồn từ những ý tưởng thông minh
adjective /ɪnˈdʒiːniəs/ His plots are always very ingenious.
vốn có, cố hữu
adjective /ɪnˈherənt/ the difficulties inherent in a study of this type
bẩm sinh
adjective /ɪˈneɪt/ He never lost his innate sense of fun.
nói bóng gió, ám chỉ
verb /ɪnˈsɪnjueɪt/ The article insinuated that he was having an affair with his friend's wife.

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